Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How to fix without rejoining to domain: The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed

Log in as local admin, run the following and then restart.... There are more detailed steps here: http://implbits.com/active-directory/2012/04/13/dont-rejoin-to-fix.html

netdom.exe resetpwd /s:[server] /ud:[user] /pd:*

[server] = a domain controller in the joined domain

[user] = DOMAIN\User format with rights to change the computer password

Worked like a charm for me!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Turn on Remote Desktop Remotely

Boss trying to log in remotely for the first time and remote desktop is turned off? No problem, just follow the steps here to get it turned on... disclaimer... it will require a reboot.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Excel will not save formatting changes

I've run into this multiple times. When copying and pasting a wide variety of external data into Excel, it creates custom styling in the workbook and over time it accumulates and you no longer are able to create any more formatting changes. I found this great VB script on Microsoft's website that when run will remove all formatting styles and replace them with the default. It will also reduce your spreadsheet size from MB to KB.



Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Google Chrome Says Please Update Me

I tend to leave my computer up and running with everything I am working on still running so that I can pick up where I left off later that night or the next day. Google developers have a sense of humor when asking me to restart Chrome to make sure that I am running the latest version!

Old school's not cool. Google Chrome is woefully out of date because it hasn't crashed or restarted in a while. Restart to apply update. Why can't all applications just update themselves like that!

Google Chrome: Comparison of web browsers

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Microsoft Outlook Opened and Saved Attachments Missing?

I opened and saved that attached word document, spent hours making revisions only to find out that I didn't save it to a location, I just clicked save... Outlook stores these files and other temporary data in a place called the OLK folder. The location of the folder may vary based on the user logged in, the operating system and version of Outlook. I am using Outlook 2010, so to find the OLK folder, I opened up regedit and browsed to the registry path:


Once there the OutlookSecureTempFolder key value is the path to your OLK folder. Substitute the version number for the outlook version you have in the registry path. It should be obvious once you get to the Office key what version you have, but just in case, I have included a table for your reference below.

Good luck!

Version Number
Outlook 97 8.0
Outlook 98 8.5
Outlook 2000 9.0
Outlook 2002/XP 10.0
Outlook 2003 11.0
Outlook 2007 12.0
Outlook 2010 14.0

Outlook 2010 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Smiley J

I came across this article from Lifehacker.com wondering what the heck when I was viewing random J's on my blackberry and Gmail from some people... Now I know, it's a smiley face... how cute :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

HTML 5 Rocks

A new website put up by Google shows off the latest things that you can do with HTML5... Make sure to check out the slideshow in chrome which demos many of the new features of HTML5.